If you’re experiencing sporadic failures in your complex automotive application, there is a strong chance that they are timing related.
The team at INCHRON offers development teams a free 30-minute consultation to discuss such issues in confidence. And it doesn’t matter what stage your project is at; we’re usually able to offer a support solution that integrates with your existing development tools and flow.
At the beginning of a project, it is worth reviewing whether a model-based approach to timing is suitable. This allows your team to master real-time system challenges from the start and keep on top of them throughout the project.

For projects in the software integration phase, it can help to perform a statistical analysis of the implementation on existing hardware. This can be achieved using a trace-based approach. Otherwise, virtual verification and testing of real-time requirements may be worth considering.
Should any of these challenges sound familiar to you or your team, we’d be more than happy to discuss them with you. Appointments for your free 30-minute consultation can be arranged using the link below:
Dr. Ralf Münzenberger, Dr. Ingmar Roggatz, Olaf Schmidt
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INCHRON AG, Neumühle 24-26, 91056 Erlangen, Germany;
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Domicile: Erlangen;
Registergericht/Court of Registry: Fürth HRB 16541;
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Peter Düsel;
Vorstand/Executive Board: Dr. Ralf Münzenberger (CEO), Matthias Dörfel (CTO);
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