Thanks for taking the time to join us at the ScaleUp 360° ADAS Europe event. We were impressed by the range and depth of discussions that highlighted the advancements in ADAS technology appearing on the horizon, as well as the challenges that still lie in the road ahead.
The slides for the presentation by INCHRON’s Olaf Schmidt – “Ensuring fulfilment of end-to-end timing requirements in ADAS projects” – are now available to download here:

It may also be that the content of our presentation struck a chord. Perhaps you think that sporadic failures in your current ADAS application are linked to issues around timing.
If this is the case, we’d be more than happy to discuss this with you further. Olaf Schmidt has appointments available to undertake an initial review of your challenge that can be accessed here:
Otherwise, if you’d simply like to get in touch, Olaf can be reached directly by email via olaf.schmidt@inchron.com at any time.
Dr. Ralf Münzenberger, Dr. Ingmar Roggatz, Olaf Schmidt
PS: Feel free to follow INCHRON or connect with Olaf on LinkedIn.
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