End-to-End Analysis in Safety-Critical Systems

The real-time requirements for the overall system and event chains along the data flows must be taken into account, including service-based communication. There are usually real-time critical data flows between classic platform and adaptive platform elements covering input signal processing, service oriented communication between via ARA::COM / SOME/IP / Ethernet and further signal processing. All these items need to be designed well in the architecture/design stage of a project as well as tested through the overall project. INCHRON provides the chronSUITE to cover the complete development cycle comprising design-, optimization-, analysis- and test phases. A simulation is used to verify the timing behavior of the components against their timing requirements specified along event chains.
Single event steps can be restored from trace data and visualized, analyzed and checked against real-time requirements in the context of their corresponding event chains.
As part of the setup, timing measurements are performed on the actual ECUs by means of hardware tracing.